
The Art of you Project

So why am I doing this project?

 This is no ordinary photoshoot, when I have asked previous clients how they would describe it, they simply say, you just have to experience it for yourself.

So this is why, I want the participants to feel the impact, to feel free, visible and connect with you again. I want you to exist in print.

I have been a professional photographer for over 8 years and I know the results from these sessions go beyond the photographs.

“Thank you so much for the whole experience…it has done me the world of good and the results are simply incredible and very “me”. You really have captured the art that is me. ” Samantha

I want to be able to offer this to anyone who wants it in the UK to then expand worldwide, but you have to experience it to fully appreciate that this is something special, it is The Art of You!

This is your chance to do something for you, to feel you again and stop feeling invisible!

So what is it all about?

My goal is to find 40 nature loving Women or those that identify as Women and create The Art of You Exhibition.

 I will firstly find out more about you, what makes you unique, different, you! I will then invite you to spend an hour at my beautiful studio location in the Lincolnshire Wolds and weather permitting we will shoot in the studio and on the gorgeous grounds.

After your experience your images will be edited in my unique style and you will choose the Image that feeds your soul, the image that represents you in all of your magic. 

This image will then be displayed in an exhibition of The Art of You in 2023 in celebration of you. You will then take your beautiful portrait home with you.


Will you join me?


As a mum of three I know how easy it is to loose your identity and forget a big part of who you really are. I know from speaking to people that women of a certain age can start to feel invisible. I know that most of us don’t get in photos enough, don’t exist in print. I know that in an ever changing world we can feel not good enough. I know that we are all different and self acceptance and self love can be hard to gift our self.

I want to create a celebration of every single one of you, through what I love, Photographs.


Will you join me?

These sessions will be starting in September 2022 to July 2023, with the exhibition taking place in September 2023.



Are you ready to be seen!

Set in the beautiful Lincolnshire wolds, this is where the magic happens. If you really want to make the most of your experience and take extra time for you, why not book into one of the local b&b’s! (ask me for details).


To join me, get in touch below!


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To make the invisible, visible, the unheard, heard. Your story unfolded in beautiful portraits inspired by nature. To be seen and heard like never before.

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To celebrate each and every one of you, to show you, your magic and leave a legacy

It’s been an absolutely amazing experience, I felt really heard and the photographs have really captured who I am. I never really do anything for myself, but I am so glad I did

It has been such a freeing and empowering experience, you made me feel so comfortable, that I could just be me

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I am not very good in front of the camera, can I still take part?

Yes of course you can, many of my clients have never had a professional photoshoot before, this is a whole different experience and I will guide you every step of the way.

How will I know what to wear?

What to bring and what to wear will all be discussed in your consultation, you do not need to buy anything special for the shoot, of course unless you want to.

Where will the exhibition be held?

At the moment I am looking for a location, which will be in Lincolnshire, you will be notified of the location as soon as I have found one.

Can I bring family and friends to the Exhibition?

Absolutely, this is a celebration of you, tickets will be available and you will be able to purchase as many as you like. Tickets will be an additional small charge and family tickets will be available.

What if I cant attend the exhibition?

If you cant attend, dont worry you will still receive your portrait and if you let me know in advance I will send you some photos of your image on display. If you can make it, I would urge you to come as it is all part of the experience.

Can I purchase more images for myself and family?

Yes of course I have sourced a beautiful print box which will hold 5 or 10 of your beautiful prints at a fabulous price so it is affordable for all

“I never even noticed I had lost my Identity until I started photographing creatively in Lockdown. I felt an immense urge to create a set of portraits, I didn’t know why, but they would wash over me randomly throughout my day. Even after I created them I still didn’t know why. Until I looked at them and I could see it was how I was feeling, it then hit me like a truck that I had forgotten so much about myself before I was a mum, wife, photographer, fur baby mum. Before all of that I was me, Deana simply that. Care free, dreamer, adrenaline junkie, lover of animals, nature, the sea, the everyday magic that was always around me, long summer days, painter, reader, thinker, believer. Where had I been, how had I lost myself, how could I have forgotten who I was, is that even possible? Those creative portraits woke up the Deana in me that had long been forgotten, they woke up my soul”

I so enjoyed my ‘The Art Of You’ experience with Deana. She put me at ease and it felt like a catch up with an old friend. She had so many creative ideas! I loved how she could envision the end result, which did not disappoint. There is such a unique vibe, energy and mood about her work which is just hauntingly beautiful. And the vision board she created actually brought me to tears. Thank you for seeing the art that is me!


It’s a huge confidence boost to see yourself through the eyes of an artist. In a world where we are constantly bombarded with media that tells us we are not enough, it is a much needed tonic to be reminded of your beauty and uniqueness.
Briony, Lincolnshire

Deana is so creative and offers a service like no other. If you would like some images which really capture who you are or that depicts your journey then I highly recommend that you book in here. A consultation and questionnaire helps Deana to learn who you are, what you’re about and what you’re expecting. Deana will then talk through what she is thinking of creating for you. This is then beyond what you thought it would be – and you’ll feel completely relaxed and comfortable. Never had creative photographs taken of yourself? Why not try it, you wont be disappointed.


This was a beautiful experience. Deana has a real gift for seeing a person’s essence and translating that potential into stunning visuals
Esther, Norwich

I would love you to join me, in this first ever exhibition of The Art of You

Find out more

If you have any questions please feel free to get in touch