My Story

There are lots of things I love in life & photographs are one of them, I mean how amazing is it that we can literally capture an image in seconds, an image of our newborn baby that we can go back and see them as a newborn whenever we like. A family member living elsewhere or a lost loved one, I mean it just deserves a big WOW, all of our memories can be stored and kept safe forever.
So what else do I love? I love my holidays and will proper sulk if my husband suggests we holiday at home this year. I first went abroad when I was 16 to Turkey and that was it absolutely hooked. When I go on holiday, I feel alive and when I return to Turkey (nearly every year) it feels like home. I love being outdoors, love camping and walking barefoot on the beach.

I think (if the weather was always good) I could quite happily live outdoors and give up all my luxuries that we have at home and live a simple life.I love reading and books, love animals and have always been fascinated by photos, to this day I still think it’s crazy how I can literally take a moment in time and gift it to you forever. I’ve jumped out of a plane, skied a red run without ever learning how to ski or more importantly stop, spent my summers on speed boats(which often broke down, usually when we us the Thames, so we had a captive audience) and water sports and used to own a motor bike. Two loves combined in one, family & holidays, this is what I love the most and what I love to do the most. Spending time having fun with the kids and the hubby Outdoors is my favourite place to be. no one else around, surrounded by mountains, birds, sun, sea & family. Perfect!

One day I would love to own a property abroad so I can be in my happy place as often as possible. We moved to Lincolnshire in 2020, into our dream home, we had, had a tough 4 years before after my husband had a major head on car crash in 2016, that has left him with a permanent brain injury. The photo below was the last photo we had together before life changed. Funny how you just never know what life is going to throw at you.

Anyway, we moved here, I had never been to Lincolnshire before, born and bred in East London, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. I loved it, loved the space, the calmness, being surrounded by nature, so here we are. One of our goals when we moved here was to rescue rabbits and we now have 14 bunnies, who are living their best lives after either living in poor conditions, not wanted anymore or even worse was just going to be disposed of. Guinea pigs, chickens, a new dog and alpacas.

So why do I do what I do?

I know how quickly babies grow and change, I miss my children being babies. I know how much these images will mean to you, more so when they have grown. It is rewarding to know what I do, means so much. I want women or anyone who has been on a journey to be seen. I want women to feel empowered. I want you to feel self-acceptance, I want you to exist in print. I want photographers to be successful and be the best they can be. I want to help hobbyists understand their camera. I do this because I am passionate about it, I do this because I know how powerful and important photographs are. I do this for my family

Make A Booking!

I would love the opportunity to capture these special moments with you!
If you would like to request an appointment.