How to shorten your newborn sessions and still make the money you want


  Join me on this online course to find out how

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Because thats what we all want, right? I have spent so much time pleasing my clients and capturing their forever memories, I totally neglected my own and if you have kids, I am sure you can resonate with that even more. I mean I started my business to work the hours I wanted, yet I spent years working stupid hours, stupid long sessions and not making the money I wanted.


So I have learnt how to adapt but still give clients the service they deserve because I will be totally honest, I dont want to do a sweaty 4 hour session anymore and guess what? Most of your clients don’t want a 4 hour session either.

With over 7 years experience of photographing hundreds of babies I know how to get great results without the sweat and headaches and I am going to show you how to shorten your session times plus make more money.



There will be 4 modules to this online programme  with tasks in-between.

We will be covering



-Your Images

-Set ups


-keeping baby content





You will have access to the content to watch at your own leisure


Deana is a great teacher, shes super down to earth and explains things in a simple manner

Thank you once again, for sharing your knowledge

Thank you Deana for helping me build a better business